Written by Flora Caputo

Blogger extraordinaire, author, designer, crafter, baker, cook and slowly beautifying our world one pixel at a time. Feel free to contact me on social media or through the contact form.

August 8, 2010

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As our garden bounty continues to pile up in the kitchen, we decided to take a week and make an effort to cook with a garden vegetable each day/night. Please join us on our journey!

This recipe is very easy, and kind of a Friday night standby. Whole Wheat Boboli crusts are kind of a staple at our house, and make pizzas for Fridays pretty easy. However, fresh basil in the pesto and garden bell peppers made it extra special (we are up to our ears in Basil!). We also grilled some extra chicken from the kabobs last night, and sliced it up for the pizza tonight. The chicken had a lot more punchy flavor on account of the marinade. One last comment-we found that our Boboli crusts do better on wire mesh pizza racks versus flat metal sheets. It cooks the crust evenly and golden. We highly recommend them. We cook the pizza on them than transfer to a cutting board or cookie sheet to cut.

Chicken Pesto Veggie Pizza

2 chicken breasts, grilled or roasted (ours were marinaded from the previous post )
Whole Wheat Boboli Crust
1 green pepper, chopped 
4 oz. button mushrooms, cleaned and sliced
1 clove crushed garlic
1/2 sliced red onion
3 Tbsp. olive oil
2 Tbsp. sliced fresh basil
1/2 cup pesto sauce (store bought or fresh made-we use the Mario Batali’s recipe, of course!)
1/2 cup shredded Mozzarella-Asiago mix
salt and pepper to taste
1 Tbsp. Parmesan cheese
Heat oven to 450˚. Put the pizza crust on the wire mesh. Spread the pesto sauce evenly. Meanwhile, in a saute pan, heat 1 1/2 Tbsp. olive oil over medium heat and cook the garlic and red onion until tender. Add the green peppers and cook for a couple more minutes, than add the mushrooms. Cook until they just start releasing their juices. Season with salt and pepper. Turn off heat and set aside.

Next, slice up the cooked chicken, and set aside. Layer the cooked vegetables evenly around the Boboli. Layer the sliced basil, then layer in the chicken. Sprinkle with the Parmesan, then layer the mozzarella evenly. Drizzle with the rest of the olive oil, and cook on the center rack for 10 minutes, or until cheese is hot and bubbly and just starting to brown on the edges. Take out, transfer to a cutting board. Let sit for a few minutes, then slice and serve.

Flora Caputo
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