Our very mild fall in Chicago has allowed our garden to continue to produce tomatoes up until now. It’s been a blessing and a curse-as we don’t want to waste such a blessing and bounty-but how many cherry tomatoes can a girl eat?
SO here I show you how to easily season and use your oven to “sun-dry” your cherry tomatoes. Then I show you how to either keep them as is or pack some in seasoned olive oil for a few months. Doing this takes away “produce guilt” and allows you to make the cold winter months that much more delicious.
You’ll need parchment paper, balsamic, marjoram, sea salt, fresh ground pepper and basil and about 10-12 hours of slow oven time. It’s well worth it, I promise!
- Sugar-Free, Low-Carb, Olive Oil Chocolate Hazelnut Tart - February 18, 2023
- Easy Slow Cooker French Onion Soup - November 28, 2022
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