COOKING TIPS: 3 Cake Pop Hacks

Written by Flora Caputo

Blogger extraordinaire, author, designer, crafter, baker, cook and slowly beautifying our world one pixel at a time. Feel free to contact me on social media or through the contact form.

March 20, 2014

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3 Cake Pop Hacks

I love making cake pops..REAL cake pops. They are great for parties, fundraisers and bake sales. And through the years, I have been able to find some tips and tricks to make cake pop making easier (and without having to buy an extra gadget.) 

Here are my top three favorites:

1: Do you have excess batter when doing some baking? My “go-to” chocolate cake batter makes a ridiculous amount of batter. So when I make what I need, I pour the rest in a bread pan, or a square brownie pan. I go ahead and bake it with everything else. Then I wrap it up once it is cooled down in plastic wrap and then with tin foil. I label it and freeze it. Then when I need to make a batch of cake pops, I pull it out, defrost it, crumble it all up and continue on my cake pop way!

2: When cutting or coring baked goods for complex or decorative recipes, such as my pistachio cream filled cake pops, or squaring off a birthday cake, freeze the excess cake in a zip-lock bag labeled with a date. When you need cake for cake pops, just pull it out, defrost it, and crumble it up for your cake pop batter. Be sure to label flavors, because you may need to combine left over cake to make one recipe, and you don’t want to mix vanilla with other flavors (if you don’t want to.)

3:  A great trick for drying cake pops once they have been covered is to use a colander. Turn a larger hole colander upside down on a towel. Thread a cake pop through the colander, straight down, nestling the bottom of the stick in the towel to hold it securely. Once completely decorated and dried, the cake pops can be ready for serving.

Flora Caputo
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