Chamomile tea is used for so many things; from tummy problems to a beauty aid to plant first aid. It’s actually really great for plants! Chamomile is known to reduce mold and mildew on indoor and outdoor plants. I recently discovered some black spot growing on my roses and decided to make a very strong spray of chamomile and baking soda to see if I could reduce the mold and mildew on the rose and other plants in the garden.
This is how I did it:
First, you need a generic sprayer that you can get in the laundry section at your local grocery store.
Next steep 4-5 chamomile tea bags in about 1 1/2 cups of hot water overnight. (I had about 12 to 16 ounces of hot water to 4 teabags.) The next morning squeeze out the tea bags aggressively, reserving the liquid. Discard the bags. Add the tea to your sprayer, and add more water to fill the bottle up, then add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. Shake well and spray down the affected areas as well as areas around the affected area so the black spot doesn’t spread.
You should see a difference within a week. My indoor rosemary bush always had powdery mildew. Here’s a post about it. I kicked the powdery mildew right out, no need for harsh chemicals.
These are before-photos of one of my roses and photos after 1 week. You can see the black spot did not spread and there was a lot of new, healthy growth. You need to keep this up and spray again after a rainfall. Fall is terrible for mold and mildew in the garden. This is a must have to your garden bench this fall. Skip chemicals and keep it on hand all season!

After a week, usually, the rose would have been dying back, with black spot affecting more leaves and canes. But I had healthy leaves and growth! I am spraying every other day to keep it at bay and after a rainfall.

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