Holiday: Valentine’s Chocolate & Coffee Favorite Treats for your Special Valentine!

Written by Flora Caputo

Blogger extraordinaire, author, designer, crafter, baker, cook and slowly beautifying our world one pixel at a time. Feel free to contact me on social media or through the contact form.

February 13, 2016

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Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, and whatever you think of this “annual obligatory Hallmark holiday”, it can be a fun day to just remind your loved ones how special they are to you. My daughter is in an angsty 13 year old phase, so I am even putting together an “anti-valentine” basket tomorrow. The drama of middle school has caused her to really dislike Valentine’s day. It makes me sad, but I get it.
One thing that can warm any chilly Valentine’s heart is chocolate, and couple that with a warm cup of coffee that compliments those chocolate flavors and you have a nice, cozy evening of cuddles.
I put together a list of my favorite chocolate treats to inspire you for tomorrow. And when you get to the store for ingredients, pick up a bag of Starbucks Verona blend to go with your chocolate masterpiece. Starbucks created Caffe Verona specifically for chocolate parings! In fact, do you remember what famous love story took place in Verona? Romeo and Juliet! But I doubt your evening with your loves will end up with mutual suicide.

Well, let’s hope not.
Make it a special date! Check out the recipes below. I have a mix of brownies, cakes and cookies for any Valentine’s flavor favorites. Need just a simple chocolate cake?  My old Fashioned Chocolate Cake is A. Maze. Ing.
Hugs and Kisses!

PS: Need some last minute Valentines gift? A cute mug to enjoy with a dessert is just the ticket. Visit a Starbucks store or go here and check out the goods! 

Old Fashioned Chocolate Cake

Tarragon Chocolate Bundt with Double Drizzle

This one is for the “Screw Valentines Day, I am making a chocolate treat for myself!” night. You go girl!

Please note: All thoughts, opinions and obsessions about Starbucks coffee are completely my own. Thanks! #starbucks #starbucksdate @starbucks 

Flora Caputo
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