LIFESTYLE: Unplugged to the Point of Being Clogged!

Written by Flora Caputo

Blogger extraordinaire, author, designer, crafter, baker, cook and slowly beautifying our world one pixel at a time. Feel free to contact me on social media or through the contact form.

August 20, 2010

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First of all, I wish to apologize to my followers and readers that I have been a little MIA the past week and a half. My family and I went on a vacation and where we go, we have no Internet, among other things. It is a time that is spent away from all the distractions of daily technological life. I originally posted my thoughts in the following post during last year’s vacation;

But an odd thing happened this year. When we got back recently, I found it very hard to get replugged and engaged. It was as if my brain liked the quiet so much, it longed for it back, almost to the point of being mushy! When I came home from work this past week, I longed to just be still and quiet. I did visit Facebook to share vacay pictures with friends. But work was at such an intense pace this week compared to my week on a quiet lake, that my brain needed to just stop when I got home from it. Then I began to add pressure to myself, for not getting on my other social network activity and get back on my blog. This just made me shut down more, in revolt almost! This has also given me a mental block-in a way. You would think the week of quiet would have helped the creative process! Well, here is my baby step back. My brain is coming back from vacation. It’s a little behind, but we’ll get with the program!

Flora Caputo
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