RECIPE: Lavender Scented Berry, Coconut and Pecan Scones

Written by Flora Caputo

Blogger extraordinaire, author, designer, crafter, baker, cook and slowly beautifying our world one pixel at a time. Feel free to contact me on social media or through the contact form.

June 26, 2011

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This recipe was originally on a fabulous blog I follow called, “” The author is very talented, and creates amazing things with a vegan, healthy spin. I saw these scones in my RSS before Father’s Day and thought it would be a great addition to the menu, and figured they would freeze well for breakfasts on-the-go during the month. I was worried about the lavender flavor with my husband’s palate. He is not a big fan. But I love floral hints in baking so I wanted to try it. If you have an anti-floral eater, the lavender can be skipped and they would be just as lovely.

A couple things to note, I did not go completely vegan with these. I went with straight butter, but you can substitute a vegan butter replacement in keeping with the original recipe. Also, Amy from the blog used frozen blackberries, and seemed to keep them frozen. I used a frozen bag of mixed berries and defrosted them a bit, pouring the juices into the batter as well. Next time I would keep things frozen or use fresh. The extra liquid made things too wet and the dough harder to work with. The scones ended up spreading out too much while cooking. I made a couple other substitutions on account of not finding the ingredients she called for. But I really liked how they turned out and I will make these again for sure. They are healthy and delicious! And stop by Amy’s blog and follow her. She is amazing in the kitchen!

Lavender Scented Berry, Coconut and Pecan Scones


2 cups whole wheat pastry/graham flour
1/2 cup sugar in the raw
2 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1 stick cold butter
2 Tbsp. dried lavender flowers
1 cup toasted pecans, roughly chopped
1 cup toasted coconut
1 cup full fat coconut milk, chilled in the fridge and mix well
1 Tbsp. vanilla extract
6 oz. bag frozen mixed berries (or fresh)
coconut milk for brushing
Extra sugar in the raw for sprinkling



Preheat oven to 425˚. Line a baking sheet with tin foil and spray with nonstick cooking spray. Set aside.

In a large bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. set aside.

In a pan, toast the coconut over medium heat, tossing the coconut around until golden. Pour in a bowl and in the same pan (without cleaning it) toast the chopped pecan. The pecans will pick up a little of the oils from the coconut, too. When the pecans are golden, add to the coconut in the bowl to cool.

Measure the lavender, and with the back of a spoon or with your hands, crush the flowers to refine them a little. (when working with lavender, you may have too many “twigs”, an odd texture in baked goods. Crushing will diminish some of the “twiginess”.)

With a pastry cutter, cut in the butter into the flour mixture until the texture of small peas. Add the coconut, pecans and lavender and mix well.

Mix the vanilla into the cold coconut milk, and then add to the flour mixture. Using a fork, mix until combined. Pour in the frozen berries and fold in gently.



Roll onto a floured surface and with floured hands, roll into a log about a 4 inch wide. I used a bowl scraper to cut 8 triangles out of the log. You cut the first one at a straight vertical line, and then the second at a 45 degree angle, then the next at a vertical line again. Continue in that way until you have 8, placing each one as you cut it on the baking sheet.

Brush the tops with extra coconut milk, sprinkle with the raw sugar, and bake in the oven. Bake for about 20 minutes, or until puffy and golden brown. Enjoy warm or cool!

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Flora Caputo
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