RECIPE: Quick Radicchio Salad with Pecan Vinaigrette

Written by Flora Caputo

Blogger extraordinaire, author, designer, crafter, baker, cook and slowly beautifying our world one pixel at a time. Feel free to contact me on social media or through the contact form.

July 16, 2010

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Sometimes the typical mixed green salad is kind of boring, but you-like the rest of us-are short on time for anything a little more exciting. This salad is pretty easy and it is a great alternative to a green salad. Radicchio is the base here, but you can mix some other baby greens if you have them on hand. You can also throw on some goat cheese dabs as a garnish on top.

Quick Radicchio Salad with Pecan Vinaigrette


2 garlic cloves or shallots, minced
3-4 Tbsp. sherry vinegar

2 tsp. honey

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. chopped fresh tarragon (or 1/4 tsp. herbs de provence, dried)

8 Tbsp. olive oil

1/2 cup pecans

1 large head radicchio

1/8 cup water


Preheat oven to 350˚ F.

In small bowl whisk together vinegar, honey, salt, pepper. Whisk in oil in a slow stream. Cut with water a tablespoon at a time until flavor is to your liking. Set aside.

Chop pecans and in a small shallow baking pan toast in one layer in middle of oven until lightly toasted (about 5 minutes). Cool.

Separate radicchio leaves and tear out some of the white veins. Divide leaves decoratively between 4 plates. Drizzle vinaigrette evenly between plates and the sprinkle the pecans on top and serve.

Flora Caputo
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